Greetings Master’s,
We shared a word with a group about change after change after change. With all the drama that’s going on in the outer world, you have to focus your mind on the truth. What’s happening is mother earth is having labor pains as we step into different levels of understanding and lot of people don't like change. Ready or not it is happening. Turn off the TV and all the negative energy that is coming out of man's bottomless pit. Find that quit place in yourself. Take a walk-in nature today and become grounded in love and peace.
"The story of Helen Schuman 1976"
We know the whole book is symbolic. She asked Jesus this question "was there a physical resurrection?" His answer "my body disappeared because I had no illusion about it. It was laid in the tomb (the mind) but there was nothing left to bury. It did not disintegrate because the "unreal can't die" it becomes what it always was-love. I can tell you that death is an illusion and the mind that made the body can make another one. Form itself is an illusion the death of an illusion means nothing it disappears when you awaken and dream no more. Look past the tomb-the body, the illusion. Have faith in nothing but the spirit. My input this is the message of the crucifixion and resurrection. Illusion is illusion truth is truth. All illusions will vanish and only truth will remain. The crucifixion and resurrection takes place in your mind.
Greetings Master’s,
Matter is a form of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Energy comprises 98% of the universe, the matter only 2%. I shared this with a group recently. Put up your spiritual antennas and tune in. This is all symbolic and allegory truth. To understand Noah’s ark one must understand that the old testament is Greek mythology. In Greek mythology there are 5 levels of “consciousness” natural elements. The first stage at the lowest is earth. The second stage higher is water also, a symbol of truth. The third stage is air, separation from thoughts. The forth stage is fire, a higher realm of the spirit. The fifth stage is a renewed mind. The entire story of Noah’s ark is the story of meditation. The earth or head is taken into the water, which is truth. Then in meditation rises into the air or mountaintop that is your separation from thought. Where it is touched by the spirit or fire and the result is the renewed mind. Noah takes 7 people into the ark with him which is the reference of the 7 chakras or resistance points of the spine two of every animal or natures. The male and female or positive and negative energy which reveals itself as thoughts or natures. Noah's ark is something that happens within the mind. The ark is actually the “arc" which is the electrical charge within the brain which affects the physical body. The ark is a safe place in your mind where you can go when it stormy outside or chaos is everywhere. A place in the mind where the "wolf and lamb can lay down together without killing one another".
Oh my friends find that secret place in your mind and go there and be free from self or ego. The spirit of gladness will take away the spirit of heaviness. I send you love and peace.
Greetings Master’s,
The soul is multidimensional. It has many different expressions or lives of itself, all existing at the same time in this infinite moment of now. The life you experience now is one of those expressions among many others parallel universes that the soul experiences. The soul is not limited to human existences either, which is only one expression among the countless others. Remember this <strong>symbolic truth. Jacob, and his wives Rachel, Leah, and Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid and Zilpah Leah's handmaid. Were they real wives of course not. If you can hear this. They were "four" different levels of the soul of Jacob. Your soul has many levels. The spirit is male and the soul is female and when they come together they produce light, energy and pure love. That's what you truly are light beings. Let the "big bang" take place in you and evolve into a higher dimension.
Greetings Master’s,
In consciousness and leave these old attitudes and negative energy behind. As we travel through this universe and parallel universes, we've got the power to change our frequency and vibration then our whole world will change. Many "earth" bound spirit, referring to a human being who was incarnated, yet didn't move on in the spirit when the body passed away. They are coming to us this year to be released, so they can go into the light and the light is within you. As you release them you will become stronger in understanding. The waking conscious mind which house's the mental seed atom you will be able to leave your body at will and return in an instant. Each time this happens you bring "back" with you new information. The old human disrobes itself and a new skin or truth will flood your mind. So much information will fill your mind that you will think you are losing your mind in truth, we are. When you have a dream it is not a dream it is taking place in a parallel universe. Pack up your suitcase or old thoughts and get ready to travel. You will see this change so much that you may think you are shape shifting. Think about this and understand you are truth.
Greetings Master’s,
Thousands of people will go to church
This week-end and hear a minister preach about a Jesus being resurrected from the dead. First it never happened in the natural world.
The resurrection takes place in you. This week-end roll the stone away in your mind and be resurrected into a new order of thinking.
Everything is in you. First of all, we are eternal, we have no beginning and no end. My word for you today resurrected in your mind and let the "Christ" that you are be healed from yourself/ego.
So it is you, you are the resurrection and the life.