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Greetings Master’s,

I have been sitting on hidden truth for a long time and it is time to share. Behold I stand at your door with great information, will you let me in? Let's talk about your spiritual DNA. The DNA molecules found inside the nucleus of every human cell that directs what makes each person physically unique. Just as our bodies are uniquely wired by DNA with specific physical traits. So our souls are programmed with a spiritual DNA that runs through our being making each one of us, one of a kind. Your spiritual DNA determines who you are and what you're to do. They say we use 3% of our DNA. They call the other 97% junk DNA. The universe does not make junk. This 97% of DNA is spiritual soul DNA. The 12 strands of DNA we once had were both genetic and spiritual. We humans at some point in our past had all 12 helix's connected. This would have been the time when we were in our closest form of genetic perfection. Giving us spiritual abilities including: telepathy, clairvoyance, connected to higher planes of consciousness and having a life span of around 700 years. Everything was great until our DNA was altered or changed. We were disconnected from our higher spiritual abilities. We have been attempting to repair our DNA for many years. It is accelerating due to a number of events occurring on the spiritual and planetary planes. Did you know you have been from everlasting to everlasting? You have always been. If this is true. We have no beginning and no end. After the order of Melchisedeck.

Think about this. This is just the beginning

Greetings Master’s,

Did you know that everything has "codes"? Even your soul has codes. Read this with an open mind . The being Lyrans and the Sirians  were involved in our genetic engineering of earth humans. They were looking to create the perfect vehicle, a body for themselves to incarnate into eventually.  The soul was already in existence. If we have been from everlasting to everlasting then when was our souls created? Or were we created? Or did we just evolve  from a higher being? You answer your own question. 75% of genetic information has not been released, it is not understood. Genetics has been considered a physical thing. Genetic coding is in your DNA. There is "etheric" DNA" that exists within the  matrix of our soul or your own soul. Energy represents your past, your present  and your future. It's encoded by light frequencies.

Greetings Master’s,

Have you ever wondered "why" you repeat the same things in your life? Whatever you send out into the universe it attracts like energy and returns to your house. We create our reality by our thoughts. Your thoughts will manifest itself in your energy field. Are you up one day and down the next day? There is a reason why. We have many "incarnations" or life times. Many times the things we repeat in our life comes from past lives. We've got to close the door of that incarnation if not it is like an open wound. It seems to be healed and then BAM it comes up somewhere else in our life.  A lot of people are dealing with old negative energy from other life times. Close the door and move on. The past is not real it is just an "illusion". It appears real. The future is not real the same as the past it, is an illusion. We are "The People Of The Now." What happens in your life 5 minutes ago is not real, it is just a memory. Live in the present and be happy.  As we change our thought pattern our whole DNA will also be changed. Mother earth is going through the change of life and it is affecting our energy field. All kinds of strange things are going on in our physical body. It is slow processes just relax and go with the flow and don't fight the process as we move into the 5th dimension and beyond. Everything is new. We shall come forth as a super atomic human being with health and healing in our bones. In our beginning there was no "death" (illusion) in our members until the "the sky people" (Gods) came and began to play with our DNA and introduced death and disease to our bodies. Up to that point there was no ups or downs, good or evil, right or wrongs. It was all peace and oneness. Today be real to yourself and love and peace will flood your land.

Greetings Master’s,

May the universe bless you as you step into this next level of understanding. If you have "confidence" in yourself you will have confidence in everything and everybody. This is how my intuition gave me confidence to step into the next level of consciousness.  I’ve got a prescription for you if will take it. Pursue your dreams. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. I don't think anything that happens is by coincidence. No one is here by accident.  Everyone has a path that you walk through. Everyone that crosses our path has a message for us otherwise they would have taken another path. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. All the fullness of the universe is in us. Just let it be released in you. Don't hinder the process just go with the flow and let the knowledge that you are come forth. Turn your weapons of war which is your tongue into a weapon of love and peace.

May the fire of the spirit arise upon you today

Today I was awakened with the fire of the anointing in my spirit and this is what the universe said. “Focus on the positive and it will show up everywhere in your life.” Your life is your garden and your thoughts are the seeds. If your life isn't awesome today, you have been watering weeds instead of the seeds of life. Everyone that reads this if you want to be bless or heal or release what’s in your mind just get up and demand those negative thoughts to leave. Remember they have taken up residence in your mind and they our not going to leave without a fight. Those negative thoughts are right in the temple declaring "they are god." We know who the real god is don't we.  Your answer for today is "arise and shine for the light has come and the glory of the great spirit is upon you.”

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