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Greetings Master’s,

A healthy mind cerate’s healthy thoughts. You can create anything you desires plant words of love and it shall return to your house with abundance.

Find someone that needs a blessing and you will be blessed.

I send you love and peace today.


Greetings Master’s,

This is the year of change. Everything in the universe is coded by numbers and on January 20, 2017 Donald Trump, will be inaugurated as The President of the United States. He will be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days precisely on inauguration day. His number is 777.

Our physical body goes through a change every 7 years.

7 is the number of perfection. 7+7+7= 21 which means change.

Get ready because there is going be a whole lot of shaking going on in 2017.

Love and peace

Greetings Master’s,

The golden threads of life is upon you. To all light workers your divine self has been tugging at you for some time to make changes. These changes are letting go of the negative people in your life. Living a more balanced life with body, mind, and spirit as one. You are part of the universal mind so raise your vibration in meditation. The sun is shining. Let the sunlight of the universe shine upon you today.

Open your prison house and let Joseph go free. Like a computer, our mind has gates and connections where information flows to and from the outer and the inner. The central nervous system has twelve gates (nerve pairs) which process information. If you do not believe that these are gates, just put your hand over your eyes gate and try to continue reading this. The Vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerves extending from the brainstem to the abdomen by way of multiple organs including the heart, esophagus, and lungs. It was named because it “wanders” like a vagabond. We will call this the Joseph gate Along with the Vagus nerve, we have the Accessory nerve which goes through the neck and shoulder. We will call this the Benjamin gate. Joseph and Benjamin are brothers.

We would call the Vagus nerve Joseph nerve tree because, Like Joseph, he was separate from his brethren. The Vagus nerve tree feeds signal to the organs of the body. The Vagus nerve is different from the other eleven cranial nerves as it goes deep into the body Symbol to Egypt. As we move into a higher frequency, we will come to a place because we are light beings as we go deep into meditation everything in the academic brain will slow down, and we will be fed a food or word as this change take place. The inner will move to outer.  YOUR WHOLE LIFE WILL CHANGE. Get ready to move. Open your gates and be the truth that you are.

So it is


Your energy creates a ripple effect when we encounter any living being, including the atmosphere around about you. A smile can change someone's energy instantly. Because you are a multi-dimensional being you can be many places at one time sharing the truth that you are. You are imbued with divine intelligence. As you move into a higher frequency It Is IMPRINTED IN YOUR DNA. So, take that quantum leap and you can change your contract. From death to life, from sickness to health erasing all the negative in your past, present and future. Get ready for the change. That death and disease will run from your land.

So it is


Greetings Master’s,

Peace my friend’s years ago, I stopped looking for the LIGHT. I decided to become the LIGHT instead. Give birth to a new watchmaking and live life to the fullest.

 I declare peace and love into your life today.


When we observe an atom, the atom stands still and was observing you before you observed it.

Let time which is an illusion come to a standstill, just stand still and be love and truth.


Even in your deepest moments of drama you are still unlimited.

Life is a replica of your inner thoughts and feelings.

The most powerful thing you can say today, is nothing at all.

Just stand still and be truth. May the love and peace overtake you and fill your land with joy and happiness.

I send you love and energy.

Greetings Master’s,

When we ask for a specific blessing and seek a specific answer we literally open ourselves up to the wisdom and abundance that is constantly flowing to us and around us. Usually there is no "container" in which to receive these blessing and wisdom can fall into, because we aren't asking and seeking from the heart. To ask and seek creates an empty space. A formed empty space with boundaries into which the matching blessings and answers are attracted "magnetically". The blessings and answers match the empty formed space we have created, like a hand fits into a glove to manifest what you want. You must ask and then receive. Energy follows thoughts. See your day as perfectly bright, overflowing with the energies of love, peace and light.

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