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Greetings Master’s,

In meditation, this morning I kept hearing these words.

Your intuition will be very sharp today, for the energy is very high. You can have anything you want by speaking it, for you create your reality by your thought pattern. Remember this in our book “I will make you the head not the tail, above and not beneath.”

Take this positive word and apply it to your life today.

I send love because I AM love.


Greetings Master’s,

Everything is energy, energy connects everything, and energy carries information.

The past is an illusion; the present is an illusion and the future is an illusion that all exist as one. Therefore, as energetic beings we have access to the past, present and the future at any point in time -- it's all connected.

At this time, we are upgrading and releasing our old DNA blueprint and memories of the past which are generational in your genes.  As this happens we will wake up from the sleep that we were placed in. Our DNA and RNA, which is a tracking device and was introduced in the human body by the Sky Gods who are people in high offices, government and Annunaki and they are watching our every move. That’s alright the secret is we are not a body but we are energy. We can move in many different dimensions at the same time. As we are awakened from the dream new paradigms of knowledge are revealed in us.  Our old DNA/RNA blueprint will be wiped out and a new YOU will come forth with a new set of blueprints that human kind cannot trace or track because it will be pure energy and light. Get ready to say good-by to your old life, old problems, even your own physical family, for you will not be moved by the physical any more.  You will be pure love in action. Celebrate life and come out of the masses. Stand-alone like a lion and live your life per your own light. Once you are awakened, you will have no interest in judging those who sleep.

I send you love and energy.


Greetings Master’s,

Remember this symbolic truth. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were cast in the fire. The pineal gland is connected to an organ in the brain called the fornix which means oven or furnace of the brain. So, the story about these three was in the mind. The furnace of fire is in you. Consider this Shadrach is your physical realm; Meshach is your emotional realm and Abednego is your intellectual nature. The fourth man is spirit or a new mind. It’s all in you.

May the fire fall upon you and cause a change in your universe.


Greetings Master’s,

I heard these words in meditation this morning.

You must go in silence, in profound peace beyond words, beyond feelings, and suddenly you will find the temple of pure knowledge and love. Today you are going feel great peace, love and a good state of being.

I send love and energy.


Greetings Master’s,

Are you hiding your true identity? Man and his makeup has been hiding from his true self in one form or another. We need to take off the masks that has been hiding your true self, and let your true self be revealed. You will be surprised what you see. You will find out that you are LOVE and nothing else.

May the truth that fall upon you and bless you in everything you touch with your heart and mind.


Greetings Master’s,

In sharing we are all masters but many are still in seed form. Each day you are moving and changing as the truth that you are, is watered from hidden wells in your universe. Many masters now are moving in and out physical form.

Many are going in and not coming back out.  Where are, we going?

We are going back to our beginning and time as we know it will come to an end. As we step into the secret chambers of all knowledge and understanding first you have to master your thoughts then everything else with come alive in your universe. So, stand up and declare to the world who you really are.

That YOU ARE A GRAND MASTER in your universe.

 So it is.


Greetings Master’s,

Who is the most awesome person today? YOU!  That's right and whoever reads this!

I send love because I am love.


Greetings Master’s,

Peace my friend’s years ago, I stopped looking for the LIGHT. I decided to become the LIGHT instead. Give birth to a new watchmaking and live life to the fullest.

 I declare peace and love into your life today.


Greetings Master’s,

Let me be the voice for those who do not know what freedom is or how to speak it. I devote myself fully and completely to be the guiding light for those who are still lost within the shadow. May my transformation from pain to joy, from fear to courage and from illusion to awakening be the song that the hearts of those who are fallen in despair are able to hear. Our great mother has returned to reclaim all of her children back into the truthful essence of spirit. As I speak onto my ego; "bow before love, as you are the servant of the heart.” As I speak onto my heart follow only the guidance of soul and do not be led astray by a mind that will only seek that which is glimmering on the outside as together we embrace the one and only gnosis of creation; the Christ Sophia and her wedded husband to merge into unison within my mind, body, heart and spirit as god would have it be. May divinity lead the path into freedom, liberation and the force of love that has birthed all that we call life upon earth and beyond. And so it is.

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