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Greetings Master’s,

A person asked me one time can I help them create their own reality.  Since we create our own reality I said yes certainly, to a great extent we co-create reality. We influence others reality by what we think. It starts with a thought, then an idea. It grows from a seed you plant and people have to buy into your reality that you create. We have to focus, have a vision and be persistent. Focus of mind is sadly lacking today. Is the reality you are creating worth sharing? Will the world be a better place if everyone buys into your reality? We can create a field of energy that will remove the spirit heaviness that creates sickness and disease and even death it self. We can create beauty from ashes and the oil of joy for mourning.  A golden flame of light and love will flood your universe and bless you in everything you think.

Let the truth rule.

The moment you change your "perception" is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body. If you have something in your life that you are not happy with go into meditation and there in the darkness a "metamorphosis" will take place, and you can take a "quantum leap" and change your “contract” and rewrite your script. It works.

Greetings Master’s,

Everything is energy! All the physical worlds you create starts with an idea, whether you know it or not.  We create "worlds" every day with every thought. A thought is a seed and has the potential to grow. Be careful what you plant in your garden-your MIND. Some plants and vines will take over your garden so plant positive thoughts and with the sun (love) it will grow into your heaven. See your day as perfectly bright, overflowing with love and energy.

You are perfect just the way you are.

Greetings Master’s,

You are life. This is what you are. You are incredible, unlimited, multifaceted being of love and light. You are a sacred transfiguring flame of divine love and a master being of light. You are a beacon of light for others. Be like a lighthouse, just stand still and shine. Let love fill your heart, let truth fill you mind, and let peace fill your soul. 

Greetings Master’s,

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."


Control your anger because it is just one letter away from "d"anger. A quiet mind or a still mind in meditation will wash away all anger. Nothing but peace shall abide and all the universe will surrender to you.

Crystalize your thoughts

Giving is so much easier when you stop seeing yourself as a separate individual and see yourself as one with all humanity. If you want forgiveness, then forgive. If you want love, then give love. Many people upon the planet at this time are going through a change and as this change is taking place you will experience all kind of strange phenomena in your life. Great healing of the mind is taking place as I speak. When you are healed many times we leave open wounds and when we do we repeat the same actions in our life. So we have to close the open wounds so we won't have a repeat in our life. Live life to the fullest.

Dance with the vibration of all life

The energy of the universe is very high today. You are all thoughts. Your holographic thoughts are also dancing lights (vibrating energy). Which attracts denser matter (still made of light) until they crystallize into what we call reality. Your imagination transcends time and space. The more you use your imagination, the more you will be in tune with who you really are. This is because the real you also exist outside of time and space. There are helping beings or spirits to help you stay align with your true self. Today get in tune with your true self. Let us help mother earth with her birthing plan today.

A miracle from the past

In 1970 I was invited to minister at a revival in Salyersville, KY for seven days. I stayed 3 months in that revival and ended up pastoring the church for 2 years. The first night there was me and other brothers. Day number 7 there was standing room only. Listen as the spirit begins to speak. I was invited for Sunday dinner by one of the young family in the church and we were having a great time of fellowship. As we were sitting there talking I felt the anointing shake my body. I knew something was about to happen. We have been teaching the church that the spirit can do anything. That day I was put to the test. They had a large family and a lot of children. One of the little girls started screaming they brought the little girl to us, she had run a stick in her eye and white part of her eye was on her cheek. The great wisdom of the universe gave me instructors what to do. We needed a miracle and fast. I ask the mother to get me a spoon. I took the white part of the eye that was on her cheek and put it back inside her socket and command the eye to be healed. "the little girl said to me “Pastor I can see and it don't hurt.” There was about 10 people there that afternoon. They were slayed in the spirit all over the porch. That day the spirit and I became one.  Miracles still takes place in the physical. Oh but it so much greater in the spiritual realm. I was blind but now I can see, I was lame but now I can walk. Being lame is having no understanding your feet means understanding. Understanding and knowing whom you really are. Go ahead and shout and dance for the spirit has healed your mind this is different that’s all right!

An experience in 1968 

*Read the whole thing before you shout*

Feb.16, 1968 at the age of 18 I was ministering in all the churches using the gifts of the spirit to help change people’s lives. On this night I had a dream. A being began to speak and all I could do was listen and he said "3 days from now I want you to go to 1315 Walnut St. Warsaw, IN and minister.”  I told this spirit being I did not know anyone in Warsaw, IN.  “Just go a way is being made" he said.  The next morning I told my mom the dream all she said I will talk to your dad. That was on a Wednesday. I was ordered to be in Warsaw on that next Saturday. My dad was not a man of a lot of words. He listened that time to the spirit and gave me $300.00 and said be careful! Warsaw was in northern Indiana. I got there about 3:00 pm and checked into a room not knowing that night my life was about to change. I was in order of the spirit to be at this place at 6:00 pm. I left early to find the building at 1315 Walnut St. I found 1313 Walnut St but 1315 was an empty lot. I said toe myself I missed it big time. I drove around the block again and low and behold there was a white brick church on the empty lot of 1315 Walnut St. By this time I was having a holy ghost spell. I walked into this place and everyone was dressed in white and I stood out like a sore thumb. “We have been waiting on you.” I kept hearing the spirit say the quieter you are the more you will hear. There was something different about these people. They spoke about high and mighty things I never heard before. What stood out the most about their words was "we go through the change we will become liquid and everyone that will drink from your fountain or word will receive life.” They spoke but there were no words it was all light, energy and life. After each word they would say and it is so-truth. Three deities on platforms kept their attention on me even now in meditation these 3 beings are right there. They are my past, present and future. My spiritual guides in the present life. Each time I recall this experience I still get holy ghost goose bumps. I heard words there that I have not been able to speak even today. I was told I was not from this order of time. By now you may think I’m a nut and that's alright. I'm glad I’m hooked up the to right screw. Now you can you can shout! I was not on LSD or any hallucinating drugs I was just high on the spirit. 

You can change your world with your thoughts

As we move into higher dimensions all kind of strangle things begins to happen in your physical body. People are having symptoms and pains both physically and emotionally. As the book says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Many people feel like they are losing it. Be of good cheer you are going to make it. This will also pass the best is yet to come. Your physical makeup is made of flesh, blood, bones, nerves, atoms, cells, and filters. The real you is total spirit consisting of energy, matter, light and love. You have over 30 trillion cells each cell has 6 ft. of DNA.  If you put them together end to end they would reach to the moon and back. Your brain has 100 billion nerve filters each talking to one another in their own way through light and energy. The subconscious mind can't reject any thought or image we project in our mind; it immediately takes it as truth. It like when you watch a scary movie you become tense and scared. Your conscious mind knows that it's just a movie, but the subconscious can't tell the difference. When we visualize the things we desire the subconscious mind believes we already have it. Visualization is a powerful tool. Your subconscious can't say no to any command given. My word for you today is you have got to hit your reset button. As you hit the reset button  you reset the energy field in your brain followed by a refreshing in your spirit, mind and body. All the old is wiped out and you are a brand new in your thought pattern. If you are tired of the same old bs everyday, tired of sickness, pain and hurt, and tired of all the lacking in your life go ahead hit that reset button and let the flower of life come forth in your life. There is a fire in you and the more you put on the fire the bigger and hotter it will become in you until you become one with the fire. Then everything you thought will be changed.

Greetings Master’s,

Here is a word to sleep on tonight. As the physical body goes to sleep tonight  many of you will travel to other universes to minister and be ministered too. The  energy at this time is very strong. Before you go to sleep tonight, ask the universe to help you bring back truth that will help you in your  awakening rise and shine for your light has come  and the glory of the universal spirit is  upon you.

You are life this is what you are. You are an incredible, unlimited, multifaceted being of love and light. You are a sacred transfiguring flame of divine love and a master being of light. You are a beacon of light for others. Be like a lighthouse  just stand still and shine.

Love is the "glue" that hold's all life together.

We are all one in purpose  and we are one with the master light which lightens our darkened conscious that is our higher self. We are immense love for all is one. Remember this "I am you, and you are me."  Love is all there is. There is intelligent life in abundance everywhere and everyone  is seeking their own truth as you are. This concept that if you could see your body as a universe contained within your "aura." Think of each cell as a planet and your chakras as "suns" with your heart center as your "central sun" then it will make sense  about how powerful  love  really is. If everyone that reads this would send out "peace and love" into the universe  we can swing everything in the right direction and change the universe. There is power in knowledge and in numbers  and  we've got both.  I need you  to help with this great energy surge. Take out 5 minutes today in a quiet place and send healing and love and light energy into mother earth. We can change the whole energy field in the universe, if we do it together.

Anchor 1

Greetings Master’s,

As your physical body goes to sleep, many of you will travel to other universe's to minister and be ministered to. The energy at this time is very strong. Before you go to sleep tonight, ask the universe to help you bring back truth that will help you in your "awakening." Arise and shine for your light has come, and the glory of the universal spirit is upon you.

Greetings Master’s,

We create our reality by our thought pattern so, go ahead and create a safe and happy place in your universe today.

I send you love and energy.


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